
I love cooking food and decorating spaces. I have spent many years learning and refining my skills for the things I am so passionate about. With my blog I want to share suggestions, tips and ideas with hopes to inspire you to become a savvy host and house proud yourself. I am passionate about anything food and home decor and have always thought that the two go hand in hand. My background is Italian and I get my inspirations for food from a family of great cooks. I love to experiment with old favorites and add my own touch to make it new, lighter and healthier. I love coming up with new dishes by just looking in the fridge and using up whatever is in there that day. Some of my best dinner parties were simple foods prepared with passion and the right ambiance and then share it with really great people . I would welcome any comments, ideas or questions.

Check out my other Blog: "Stagionista" for Staging tips and pics http://stagionista.blogspot.ca

Rose Arangio

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Organized cupboards that inspire cooking.

I believe that organized cupboards will inspire you to prepare a meal. There is nothing more disturbing to me then to try and make a meal and you cant find the ingredients you need or they are in bags tied up with elastics and not labeled, stale spices etc. I guess because I am a professional home stager and decorator its in my blood to be organized but I also love to cook and I have always found it more rewarding to make my meals by the prep work or in French "mise on place".

I love to use mason jars or jars and smaller sized clear jars I purchased from the dollar store. wash and dry then label them. I used chalk board vinyl re positional paper that I purchased at Chapters in 9" x 12" sheets and I cut into size I needed. The chalk easily rubs off for changing contents name.

First thing to do is empty your cabinet and wipe clean. Check all expiry dates and throw out everything that's bad or you dont use. Fill up your jars and neatly organize them on shelves. Use wire racks to elevate the jars so you can easily see whats behind at a glance.

In pantry you can use original packaging but make sure you face the labels in the front so you can see everything and group like things together so its easy to pinpoint things.

You will be proud to open you cupboards an show them off. Try one and I believe it will inspire you to do them all.

Happy Spring cleaning!

Rose Arangio

1 comment:

Maria Arangio said...

Great idea, I need to get some mason jars and organize!

Love what you doing, keep up the great work!