
I love cooking food and decorating spaces. I have spent many years learning and refining my skills for the things I am so passionate about. With my blog I want to share suggestions, tips and ideas with hopes to inspire you to become a savvy host and house proud yourself. I am passionate about anything food and home decor and have always thought that the two go hand in hand. My background is Italian and I get my inspirations for food from a family of great cooks. I love to experiment with old favorites and add my own touch to make it new, lighter and healthier. I love coming up with new dishes by just looking in the fridge and using up whatever is in there that day. Some of my best dinner parties were simple foods prepared with passion and the right ambiance and then share it with really great people . I would welcome any comments, ideas or questions.

Check out my other Blog: "Stagionista" for Staging tips and pics http://stagionista.blogspot.ca

Rose Arangio

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Amazing Artichoke

What is an Artichoke really?

Dictionary meaning:


[ahr-ti-chohk] Show IPA
a tall, thistlelike composite plant, Cynara scolymus, native to the Mediterranean region, of which the numerous scalelike bracts and receptacle of the immature flower head are eaten as a vegetable.

Now that we know that I will add,
I love artichokes and I have been eating them since I was small they were just as normal to eat as a salad in our Italian household. Eaten mostly when in season and in abundance I never got sick of them. I traveled to Sicily, Italy 31 years ago and I was amazed at how many people had these plants growing on their properties. I was excited to see this beautiful plant grew. With my passion for food and cooking I am always eager to try different ways to prepare them and in so doing it has opened a whole knew chapter of love for them. Not only are they delicious they are super nutritious too.

Eat them Steamed, BBQ-ed, baked, stuffed, fried, sauteed, braised, boiled,dipped,pickled,casseroled as toppings for pizza or fillings in sandwiches, in dips and soups. To top it off they have so many health benefits you should include them in your diet as much as you can.

Its all in the prep, I fill a large bowl of fresh water and half a lemon squeezed into it to keep them from oxidizing (turning brown) much like avocados. I like to keep as much of the stem on so I peel it with a pairing knife and tear of about 3 to 4 rows of the tougher leaves and the cut the tips right off because there may be thorns in the tips. when they are all in the bath they are ready for cooking. When I flour or bread them I like to boil them for 5 minutes so they are tender then drain so they are dried

Soaking in the Lemon Water Bath

Ready for Baking

BBQ (placed on an aluminum foil tray and drizzle with olive oil and garlic cover with foil and bbq until tender)

Lightly Floured and Fried

Grouper and Artichoke Stew

As a Pizza Topping


Breaded and Fried

OMG did you know about all the health benefits?

High in Antioxidants
A study done by the USDA found that artichokes have more antioxidants than any other vegetable and they ranked seventh in a study of the antioxidant levels of 1,000 different foods.

Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Studies done with artichoke leaf extract have found that they induce apoptosis (cell death) and reduce cell proliferation in many different forms of cancer, including prostate cancer, leukemia, and breast cancer. An Italian study found that a diet rich in the flavanoids present in artichokes reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Increased Bile Flow
The pulp of artichoke leaves contains a polyphenol antioxidant called cynarin which increases bile flow.

High in Fiber
One large artichoke contains a quarter of the recommended daily intake of fiber. A medium artichoke has more fiber than a cup of prunes.

Better Digestion
Artichokes help the digestive system. They are a natural diuretic, they aid digestion, improve gallbladder function and, as mentioned above, they are of great benefit to the liver.

Hangover Treatment

Thanks to their positive effects on the liver, many people swear by artichokes as a hangover treatment. Try the leaves of an artichoke.

This is what is looks like when it flowers:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have never guessed these had so many health benefits!