
I love cooking food and decorating spaces. I have spent many years learning and refining my skills for the things I am so passionate about. With my blog I want to share suggestions, tips and ideas with hopes to inspire you to become a savvy host and house proud yourself. I am passionate about anything food and home decor and have always thought that the two go hand in hand. My background is Italian and I get my inspirations for food from a family of great cooks. I love to experiment with old favorites and add my own touch to make it new, lighter and healthier. I love coming up with new dishes by just looking in the fridge and using up whatever is in there that day. Some of my best dinner parties were simple foods prepared with passion and the right ambiance and then share it with really great people . I would welcome any comments, ideas or questions.

Check out my other Blog: "Stagionista" for Staging tips and pics http://stagionista.blogspot.ca

Rose Arangio

Monday, January 24, 2011

Staging your home for youself !

Staging is not just for selling your house. We live in our homes and because its our own space we tend to let things go without even noticing. Its unintended, it just happens and the fact is when you walk by a crack in the wall or a pile of shoes at the door, clothes on the floor, eventually you don't even see it anymore. The problem is odors start building up, your space start to shrink and you feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed in your own home.

We do so much work in preparing our homes for sale on the market so potential buyers will fall in love with our spaces, why not do it for ourselves. How great a feeling it is to firstly have a great curb appeal to welcome us home from work or a holiday. Having a clean and decluttered entryway when you enter will keep you in the same serene frame of mind that you had when you drove up to your house. Perhaps your first stop will be the kitchen and upon entering you find you counters neat and clean, perhaps you set the table before you left and there are fresh flowers that you purchased on put on the table as a special treat. I believe this will give you that extra bit of energy after a long days work to prepare a meal for you and your mate and or family. There is nothing more depressing than having to do dishes and clean up before preparing your meal.

At the end of a long day there is nothing better than entering you bedroom and it makes you feel like your in a hotel room. You know that feeling when you get to your holiday destination and you open the hotel room and see the bed made up and it looks so inviting, we can have that same thing in our homes. Hotel sheets or good quality sheets can be purchased almost anywhere and for a small investment its so worth it to treat yourself with that little bit of luxury every night, you deserve it. You should make your bed every day and spend a few minutes to always tidy up before you go. These few moments you spend will be so rewarding because your mind will never think about the mess you left behind and all the things that need done, this will make you agitated, instead your thoughts will be more like how you cant wait to get home and relax and enjoy yourself.

Having things already in their places also helps in easier daily clean ups. Organization is so important as it has a domino effect that we carry to all other areas of our homes, cars, workplaces etc. Teaching our small children will also prepare them in the same type of lifestyle for their future.

So I say DO IT FOR YOU! The other good thing is your always ready to welcome guests and if you decide to sell, you already prepared and there is no pressure put on yourself in doing all that work in a rushed amount of time.

You can hire a professional home stager to help you, even if your not moving. Professional stagers are experts and will help you get your home in the shape you deserve.

Visit my website for more information or call for an appointment if your in York Region area of Ontario and I will be happy to help.

Rose Arangio

Visionary Spaces


zoƫ said...

Great post! I agree, we shouldn't just have nice things to show them off to other people, we should have them to make ourselves happy!

I have only one set of dishes; they are really beautiful and I love using them everyday. I deserve it!

I've also always wanted to get a home staging done, or at least some tips. You know, someone with the expert eye :)

Nice to meet you on Twitter; looking forward to reading more blog posts!

community manager

Unknown said...

Thank you Zoe, I think if our surroundings are beautiful we will have smiles on our faces.